AI generated "baby factory" image

So science supports the Earth being compatible with powering 100 billion of us. How do we actually produce the people though?

From global population disaster to saving the planet

Humanity and the Earth is currently in a global population crisis. One can debate if it's bad enough to qualify as a existential threat or not at this moment, but regardless, the situation in very very bad for humans, and by extension, the Earth.

Going from being in threat of humanity loosing a vast part of its technology do to native population decrease in western countries, to having 100 billion productive humans is a big task. Maybe the biggest task that humanity has faced. But a task we cannot fail at. The long term survival of humanity and the Earth requires it. The dinosaurs' space program wasn't advanced enough to stop a asteroid from killing off a massive amount of life on Earth. We have to make sure that we can do a better job at protecting the Earth and life.

So, what do we need?

We need nothing short of a complete revamp of legislation, culture, and government size in western countries. Basically we need to get native westerners to improve on the breeding speed of the third world. While we currently aren't anywhere close to even maintaining the amount of productive people in the world.

But there should be no reason why we couldn't increase fertility rates from current 1-1.5 children per woman to 10-15 children per woman in a very short time span. Humans are crazy good at adapting to their environment when given the chance.
Current issues that need to be overcome in the west are:

  1. Legislation; complete revamp
  2. Culture; big changes
  3. Government size; full Milei

Let's unpack these.

1. Legislation

Removal of all legislation penalizing anyone from having children directly or indirectly. Gender biased court rulings, alimony, divorce, relationship types and many more all have to go. We can't afford them, and we never could. Unsustainable loss of productive population isn't a valid long term solution.

2. Culture

The default needs to be that especially young couples and women have kids. Basically all the time. Schools, jobs, leave times etc all need to be geared around this. Having a kid, being pregnant, having 8 kids, having 20 kids needs be totally normal, and not cause any issues or require special arrangements in everyday life. Everyone should be able to go to school, work, and be a fully productive and happy member of society with minimal pause while having kids. Daycare, nannies, standard of living expectancy, removal of restrictions and bureaucracy. This isn't rocket science.

3. Government size, cost of living

Almost the entire western world needs a complete Milei overhaul. Inflation needs to come down. Wage / price ratio needs to be improved (lower taxes). Regulation needs a massive reduction so that cost of housing and living can come down. And people overall need to feel like they can not just survive, but thrive. Instead of trying to just scrape by.

This is a big ask. But as per Milei, it's possible to reduce government size even from severe socialism. And even democratically!


Tämä sivuston tarkoitus on tuoda esille mielenkiintoisia ja ehkä ajattelemisen arvioisia aiheita.

Sivuston artikkelit tuovat useimmiten kirjoittajan näkemystä esille. Ei pidä kuitenkaan koskaan omaksua kenenkään toisen ajatuksia, mielipiteitä taikka kirjoituksia, ilman että on perusteellisesti ajatellut aihetta itse.

"Kaikkihan tämän tietää", " on sitä mieltä että", "konsensus on että...", "koulussa opetettiin" ja vastaavia argumentteja eivät kelpaa hyväksi perusteluksi millekkään mielipiteelle, ja edistää vain mielikuvamarkkinointia ja auktoriteettikäskyttämistä.

Tämä sivusto irtisanoutuu kaikista huonoin perustein muodostuneista mielipiteistä.